Significance Resources:
Significance LLC offers a variety of philanthropic resources for its clients.
1. An Unexpected Legacy: Strategies of Generosity – this highly acclaimed book is an excellent resource for those seeking to learn more about effective philanthropy. Although the book is a “textbook” on time-tested philanthropic principles, it is written is a most entertaining fashion with stories told through the eyes of a homeless man, Mr. Eugene Howe.
Click here to place your order of the book.
“It is a great financial tool for all levels of philanthropic endeavors. The author used great examples of real life foundations and endowments that were not only applicable to his points but also interesting to learn about.”
““You’ve succeeded in communicating a lot of technical information in an engaging and humorous way. Thank you for sharing the book and your talents!” ”
2. Significance Blog and Philanthropic Information– Significance founder and president, Gregory A Schupra, periodically shares ideas and information that he continues to learn after more than 35 years in charitable planning.
Click here to follow our blog.
3. Speaking Engagements and Seminars – The Significance adviser team from time to time presents at various speaking engagements, seminars, and workshops.
Contact us to request our presentation information
Significance LLC