““Have you ever considered that generosity doesn’t have to involve money?””
Have you ever thought about Giants? I certainly did when I was a kid. “Jack and the Beanstalk” and the “Jolly Green Giant” are probably the most famous in addition to those in San Francisco and New York.
The dictionary defines a Giant as “an imaginary or mythical being of human form and superhuman size.”
I contend that Giants are real and at times they exist in each of our lives.
Giants are those people who take a special interest in us. They invest a part of themselves in us in ways that help us develop beyond our years of experience.
Overtime their impact on our lives is profound.
They may be a teacher\professor, coach, colleague, or a mentor and friend.
I am sure you can name those persons who have played significant roles impacting your life.
I have had many Giants in my life. They are too numerous to name them all here.
However, one of the Giants who has significantly impacted me through good and challenging times is E. Harold Munn Jr..
Broadcasting Hall of Fame consulting radio engineer E. Harold Munn Jr. built or serviced 800 radio stations in all 50 states and nearly 70 colleges and universities in a career spanning six decades. He received his first FCC radio license at age 14.
A pioneer in broadband and internet infrastructure, he received the first FCC clearance for cable TV operation. In his passion to live out his Christian faith, he served as a trustee of Billy Graham’s Blue Ridge Broadcasting Corporation, Spring Arbor University, and Asbury Theological Seminary spanning over 50 years. Billy Graham inscribed a note to his board member and ministry partner Hal Munn on the flyleaf of his book Facing Death: And the Life After: “To my faithful brother Harold Munn. God bless and keep you always.” Billy Graham. Mar. 15, ’88. 1 Cor. 15:58:
Hal Munn epitomized the prototype Giant. He did not use his success as an excuse to stop investing in others. He intentionally invested his time in me and others providing key insights, encouragement and support, often at times when most needed. Over the years he would contact me to meet to discuss ideas enhancing whatever project we were involved and the role I played.
He is now in the final stages of a battle with cancer. But as a Giant to many, his life will continue through the lives of those he invested.
Have you ever considered that generosity doesn't have to involve money? It can include serving as a Giant to others as Hal Munn did for many.
In who's life can you invest? Which person can you impact?
When people enter your life it’s good to pay attention. You may just be able to be one of their Giants.
For more thoughts on generosity pick up a copy of the highly applauded book, “An Unexpected Legacy: Strategies of Generosity.” Click here to place your order.